Miracle Finland Oy has made agreements about new partnerships for representing MariaDB Corporation AB MariaDB Enterprise Server and PeteFinnigan.com Limited’s PFCL Oracle security assessment and audit product families to resell, consulting and support them in Finland. These agreements are valid immediately. Miracle Finland has started to train it’s personnel to the latest features of products already earlier, but will continue to certify it’s personnel in the coming months.
MariaDB is an increasingly popular fork of well-establish MySQL database software and it is being developed as a open-source community version. MariaDB Corporation AB has considerably improved the community version by adding features and additional software with it’s MariaDB Enterprise Server version, which includes optional database engines for different needs, sophisticated cluster software, professional backups and cloud service as the latest addition. All additions enable MariaDB database as a platform also in (very) large scale mission-critical deployments.
PeteFinnigan.com Ltd provides special software to inspect, identify and fix security vulnerabilities in Oracle databases. There are also other tools f.ex to check and build well-formed audit trails, software protection, monitoring and reporting. An option exists to track how hackers may have intruded a system. Miracle provides licenses to the product family and alternatively provides service to inspect the databases on behalf of the customer in order to fix them when found.
More info: info@miracleoy.fi