Miracle Finland Oy was founded in 2007 to provide expert data management solutions. It is a growing and flexible IT company based in Helsinki. Our staff consist of IT professionals with decades of experience with databases, creating transactional and data warehouse applications using for example Data Vault methodology, and consulting customers on data management, application development and AI/ML issues including Generative AI and RAG. With our database administration, database design, software development and other IT expertise, we are able to help our customers in various IT challenges both on-premises and in the cloud.
Miracle Finland is an independent, privately-owned, 100% Finnish company. We have a strong network of partners - all doing Miracle work!
2015 Oracle Excellence Award Partner of the Year: Database
2014 Oracle Excellence Award Partner of the Year: Database&Middlewar
2013 Oracle Excellence Award Partner of the Year: Oracle-On-Oracle
2012 Oracle Excellence Award Partner of the Year: Database